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Books for Clerkship

Check out these nifty textbooks & websites to help you excel in clerkship!


A textbook written in a way that is light hearted and easy to follow, with many memory aids throughout.

Ophthalmology Secrets

This series of books "– secrets" are available for many specialties in medicine, containing high yield material you could be asked on rounds. The format is this: a common question given to students by attendings, then answered and explained.


All the important topics in ophthalmology based on the latest literature brought to you by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

OCT Cases

All the most common OCT pimp questions for elective students found here!

OphthoBook: Questions

The author of OphthoBook brings you a collection of multiple choice questions with extensive explanations, interesting mnemonics, and pictures for memory aids.

Wills Eye Manual

One of the all time best-selling books in ophthalmology, providing guidance on the management of a variety of ocular disorders.

Eye Guru

A free website with lots of cases, videos and resources that will come in handy.

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